In the weeks after the convention, quite a few attendants emailed spontaneous reactions. Here's a sampling...
On behalf of Fabien, Thierry and myself, I want to thank you for organizing the STNICCC 2000. It was great to see all these people "from the not so distant past" and to catch up on old times with them! Everything was beautifully organized, from the offices to the catering - amazing.
(Klaus "Vantage of STCNX" Berg)
I wish to thank you for that perfectly organized party. It had everything someone could expect on such an event:
- a silent place for sleeping
- really good food
- smoke free rooms (except the restaurant)
- a lot of parking space
- a good description how to find that place
- "goodies" like Internet access, place for playing games, etc.
- vending machines that don't need money :-)
- clean restrooms
It seems that you got a very good sponsor!
(Andreas "Ilja of Level 16" Franz)
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed beeing a part of this great party. It was the best organized party in Atari History and I loved every single second of it. I don�t really know how to thank you enough for it.
I hope that you will keep up the work on all your websites and I really hope that we'll stay in contact for a long long long time!
Take care, this weekend was something special that I will always remember!
(Stefan "Tyrem of The Respectables" Kimmlingen)
I want to send you an email to thank you. The STNICCC was great, the organisation was simply incredible, you did a really good job! I can't understand how people could have complained about the entrance fee. Compared to the quality of the location, the food, and the prizes, the price only seems symbolical.
It was so cool to meet all those people I hadn't seen for years. I was also happily surprise to see that Arnaud (Leonard) did a special demo for the convention.
(Benoit "Xbiosman from Overlanders" Pasquereau)
Just wanted to thank u for having organised this great event and having made it possible for everyone to meet up again. It was really great fun and an excellent party.
Thank u and well done.
(Michael "Sammy Jo of The Lost Boys" Schussler)
"I would like to mail you to thank you again for such a nice organization. We were really happy to meet you and several famous "ST people"!
My head has definitely doubled its size since I became "ST NEWS certified Atari Programmer Of the Millennium" :-)
(Arnaud "Leonard of Oxygen" Carré)
Once again, I also wanted to tell you how cool the STNICCC was. It really was the BEST convention EVER. The Netherlands are really a beautiful country, too bad we didn't have enough time to visit more.
(Patrice "Furyo of Overlanders" Rossi-Chardonnet)